• з/п не указана
  • В городе Астрахань
  • Опыт работы более 1 года
  • Занятость полная занятость

 The Technician 1 TRS shall:

  • Ensure high quality and timely execution of operations at assigned facilities according to the Plan approved by the Regional Manager and instructions of his/her Supervisor.
  •  The Technician 1 TRS is in charge of operation, maintenance, repair and storage of equipment used for the whole range of services. In addition to these functions, he/she is in charge of operation and maintenance of special control computer systems.

 At the beginning of his/her working day, Technician 1 TRS shall:

  • pass a safety briefing,
  • perform preparatory and preventive actions for technical devices and equipment.
  •  During his/her working day, the Technician 1 TRS shall:
  • perform downhole equipment running in/pulling out while drilling, completion and workover,
  • perform maintenance and minor repair of process equipment and tools;
  • ully comply with safety, health and fire safety regulations,
  • mmediately inform his/her Supervisor about any defects or failures identified while operations.

Technician 1 TRS is obliged to:

  • In case of any hazards to health and life, immediately take necessary measures for their elimination up to and including work stop and job site abandonment and inform his/her Line Management and HSE Engineer.
  • Timely inform his/her Line Management and HSE Engineer on:
  • purchasing equipment, tools, devices and accessories to ensure operational safety;
  • safety rules violations and accidents during work execution or transit to the job site.
  •  Monitor operability, availability of certificates, maintenance and testing of entrusted equipment, tools, lifting devices, slings, fixtures, barriers, etc.
  • Treat equipment and tools with due care, keep it clean and operable, not leave working equipment unattended.
  •  Know phone numbers of managers, safety engineers, contacts for emergencies and unexpected occurrences.
  •  Follow instructions of HSE engineer.
  • Pass periodic health examinations (checks).
  • Ensure availability and validity of approvals and permits for operations related to his/her functions.
  •  Technician 1 TRS also executes any other delegated responsibilities as instructed by Line Management within the timeframe specified in a safe and efficient manner to meet business requirements, provided the instruction is reasonable and you are capable and deemed competent to fulfil these.
Technician 1 TRS

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